Thursday, September 6, 2012

My love for Starbucks

I tend to get into phases where I can't stay away from Starbucks. I will eat breakfast there every now and again, maybe grab something after school, and sometimes go in for a late night snack- not all in one night of course! I just adore the atmosphere, the hot chocolate, and the sweet treats. Especially at the Starbucks in Barnes N Noble.

Psalm 37:8 "Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret- it leads only to evil."


  1. I am the SAME way with Dunkin! SO bad when i'm at college lol! And girl you should write an about me page/post! Would love to learn more about you!

    1. Haha, food is so addicting! Awe, you're so sweet! I wrote an About Me post a while ago, you can get to it by clicking the Check Meowt picture on the left sidebar, but anyway here's the link if you wanna check it out:
      Thank you for commenting! You totally just made my day ten times better! :D

  2. I fully understand your love for Starbucks! ;) Same here. Adore that place.

    Thank you for your precious comments, sweet girl. Make me smile - you are so encouraging!

    Blessings to you this weekend!!

    1. Oh, good! I'm not alone! Haha

      You're welcome, love! I just adore your blog to pieces! The fact that you take the time to check out my little blog just makes me so happy! I really look up to you as an inspiration and an all around awesome person. <3

      God bless you!


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